Make Money | For resellers | pXilok Trainers

Make Money | For resellers

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You can sell my products at a small margin or at your own price in other marketplaces places where users can't purchase the product directly through me.
Thus, you will have a profit depending on the price you set.
This is suitable for those who have the opportunity to buy my product directly, thereby reselling it with your price in other places.
  • 5 sales = 25% discount
  • 50 sales = 30% discount
  • 100 sales = 35% discount
  • 250 sales = 40% discount
  • 500 sales = 45 % discount
  • 1000 sales = 50% discount
Discount percentage for bulk purchases:
  • 10 keys + (5 keys gift) = 25%
  • 25 keys + (10 keys gift) = 30%
  • 50 keys + (15 keys gift) = 35%
  • 100 keys + (25 keys gift) = 45%
  • 200 keys + (50 keys gift) = 50%
So I am ready to provide a special version without any mention of my channel/website.
If you have any questions, please contact me to discord - fc24.cheats

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