Announcement - archive updates FIIX | pXilok Trainers

Announcement archive updates FIIX

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FIIX 1.5.6 (Updated version) Check update here - Oplata.Info
Fixed non-worked features
Chemistry style in section Ultimate
Preferred foot in section Ultimate
Home kit, away kit in section Ultimate
Work rate in section Ultimate
Preferred foot in section FUT for each player​
Pro Clubs = Just selected skills rating increase or decrease. Like i want only Penalty 99.​
to disable a specific characteristic, you should enter the number 0 in edit (example: jumping - 0) all other characteristics will work.​
Disconnect - manual old method disconnect from 1.2 version fiix​
Disconnect v2 - manual old method disconnect from 1.3 version fiix​
Forfeit Match - same as forfeit flag, but manual method.​
manual method means, you should doing on/off with hotkeys after whistle in match.​
don't wait for strong details on how to use it. I'm not going to explain, try and test the method yourself.​
Editable Pro Club Name - Possibility to change the name of your pro club​

Any updates you can download here
Hide Skills with one characteristic on 0 number.​
Fitness button.​

  • Kick-out Flag - protective function against disconnection from the match, use before searching for an opponent. should be always ON
  • DC Flag Kick - automatic use of an entire chain of cheats. possible crashes of game
  • Kick-out Opponent - kick out your opponent out of the match, you can play with his team against the AI. use in conjunction with Kick-out Flag. Use after loading match with opponent
Possible crashes the game due to the instability of these options.
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FIIX 1.5.7 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Editable Club Name - Possibility to change the name of your pro club​
Instant Win, Gold Goal, Instant Match - now it should instantly skip replays after the match is over​
DC Flag Kick - now your opponent will be disconnected after the vote skip button (this is when there is a screensaver with a demonstration of team squads)​

I tried to fix the delays while the trainer was running in the game.
Check it out and let me know.
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FIIX 1.6 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Dis Kick-out F - disables Kick-out Flag so that we can finish the match after the end. example: if we use CPU vs CPU then the match will end without freeze after the end​
Home Side - select active controller who playing in home. at activation (turns off automatically) it is best to stay inside the match. possible crashes of game
Guest Side - select active controller who playing in guest. at activation (turns off automatically) it is best to stay inside the match. possible crashes of game
CPU vs CPU - teams are controlled by AI. possible crashes of game
Chemistry Team - changes the chemistry of your team. visible for opponent!
Overall - changes the overall rating of your players. (probably useless)

FUT pos (positions) ch (chemistry) wa (work rate attacking) wd (work rate defending) pf (preferred foot) sm (skill moves) wf (weak foot):
  • GK-SUB7 - you can change the positions, chemistry, work rate attacking, work rate defending, preferred foot, skill moves, weak foot for each player, which you need (4-4-2 formation by default) How use look here - Click (GK not working for positions)



FIIX 1.7 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Home Kit - the first number is the parametr of the form (usually I point out what is needed) second number changing home form​
Away Kit - changing away kit form, same as home kit
CPU vs CPU - teams are controlled by AI for squad battles (activated in control settings in pause match)
Instant Win Live - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team in match​
Badge - changes your team's badge ID's ON FORUM
Stadium - allows you to change the stadium of your choice, only works if you play at home​
Formation - changes the formation of your team, works only in draft mode​
Stamina Home - Infinite strip stamina in players at home, and tired players at guest​
Stamina Guest - Infinite strip stamina in players at guest, and tired players at home​
Skills Home - changes the team characteristics on the side Home (activate inside the match, not displayed in the game) working with only kick-out flag
Skills Guest - changes the team characteristics on the side Guest (activate inside the match, not displayed in the game) working with only kick-out flag
SpeedHack - the speed of the target process changes at your discretion​
Difficulty - changes the level of difficulty in squad battles​
Game Speed - controls the "game speed" before the match in settings (probably won't work correctly)
Home Score - enables the score change mode for home in the match, don't work in ultimate team maybe
Guest Score - enables the score change mode for guest in the match, don't work in ultimate team maybe
Match Speed - increases coefficient speed time in the match​
Opponent CPU Home - there may be problems with the sides, but this prevents the problem when you used kick-out opp after starting the ball in center stadium​
Opponent CPU Guest - the same thing​
Opponent Short - displays the short name of your opponent's club​
Opponent Squad - displays the name of your opponent's squad​
Opponent Rating - the overall rating of your opponent's squad is shown​
Opponent Chem - displays the chemistry of your opponent's squad​

FUT Rating - probably now it can be "Handicap" from other trainer. Check it!​
Disconnect v2 - changed the method a bit, returned a safer way, for some who claim it​
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FIIX 1.7.1 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

CPU vs Online Opp - AI plays for your team against your opponent in online​
Forfeit No Lose - you can leave match from pause menu at any time without counting loss​
Instant Win v2 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe​
Instant Win v3 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe​



FIIX 1.7.3 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Two icons appeared on the main form
Using the first one, you can change the state of "sticky" Windows.
With the second one, you can change the state "on top of all Windows"

Change Club Name - now you can change the name of your club as much as you want. just enable the cheat and go to Featured Objective / Foundations / The Basics / Change Club Name​
FUT (cd) card id (tr) training - card id changes the color of the card, training adds small values to the characteristics. probably useless
Gamepad Cursor - allows you to fix the cursor when performing free kicks or penalties, control is performed using hot keys​
Sensitivity - allows you to change the speed of the cursor movement. you can also save the cursor position in an ini file​
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FIIX 1.7.4 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Editable Origin Name - possibility to change the name of your origin ID (you need to use it after the appearance of the opponent's squad, and after played match you should change your original origin ID for next opponent)
Penalty Home - changing the penalty goals count in a match (very risky i think, when i tested, i got ban for 2 match)
Penalty Guest - same, but on guest side​



FIFA 21 Trainer | FIIX 1.9 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

Instant Win - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team​
Instant Win Live - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team in match​
Instant Match - instant completion of the match, depending on the position of the ball​
Instant Win v2 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe​
Instant Win v3 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe​



FIIX 1.9.1 Check update here - Oplata.Info
Password - pxilok

  • Instant Win - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team
  • Instant Win Live - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team in match
  • Instant Match - instant completion of the match, depending on the position of the ball
  • Instant Win v2 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe
  • Instant Win v3 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe
  • Gold Goal - match ends after the ball will be is in goal
  • Home TP/Away TP Goal - with any touch of the ball, a goal occurs instantly (but so same is happening disconnect of match) (possibly bugs)
  • Bypass ALT-TAB - there will be no disconnection online match when you minimize or alt-tab game
  • Bypass AFK - when you are not control your team, a message about inactivity on your part will appear after a while. this cheat allows you to bypass this warning
  • Legacy defending - removes the ability to play only tactical defense in online | How Use
  • Time Finishing - almost always green, just with double tap
  • End Flag - includes forfeit flag at the end of the half time
  • Time Finishing Free Kick - always great works with free kick and penalty, double tap also
  • Hidden Time Finishing - activates hide for time finishing (possibly does not work or will not give the desired effect)
  • Home Side - select active controller who playing in home. at activation (turns off automatically) it is best to stay inside the match. (possible crashes of game)
  • Guest Side - select active controller who playing in guest. at activation (turns off automatically) it is best to stay inside the match. (possible crashes of game)
  • CPU vs CPU - teams are controlled by AI. (possible crashes of game)
  • Rating - Sets overall team rating (helps for searching more weak opponents, perhaps) visible for opponent!
  • ATT - sets a rating for your attackers
  • MID - sets a rating for your midfielders
  • DEF - sets a rating for your defenders
  • GK - sets a rating for your goalkeeper
  • Editable Origin Name - possibility to change the name of your origin ID (you need to use it after the appearance of the opponent's squad, and after played match, you should change on your original origin ID for next opponent)
  • Club ID - ability to change the club of players (the best chemistry gives an increase skills)
  • Country ID - ability to change the country of players (the best chemistry gives an increase skills)
  • Match Making DR - search for an opponent in the specified division Division Rivals
  • Match Making DF - search for an opponent in necessary stage selection in mode Draft
  • Match Making WL - allows you to search for opponents on your assigned parameters in Weekend League
  • Traits - applies all the existing talents on the players in fut mode
  • Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4 in fut mode
  • Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5 in fut mode
  • Chemistry Team - changes the chemistry of your team. visible for opponent!
  • Overall - changes the overall rating of your players. (probably useless)
  • Formation - changes the formation of your team, works only in draft mode
  • Change Club Name - now you can change the name of your club as much as you want. just enable the cheat and go to Featured Objective / Foundations / The Basics / Change Club Name
  • SpeedHack - the speed of the target process of the game changes at your discretion
  • Forfeit Flag - exposes a technical forfeit opponent, can be work with disconnect id and dc flag
  • DC Flag - automatically disconnects from the opponent, including forfeit flag (possible crashes of game)
  • Disconnect ID - the method of disconnection. You can choose any method from 0 to 21 (if you got ban, use other ID)
  • Instant DC - immediately disconnects a connection anywhere in match
  • Kick-out Flag - protective function against disconnection from the match, use before searching for an opponent.
  • Dis Kick-out F - disables Kick-out Flag so that we can finish the match after the end. example: if we use CPU vs CPU then the match will end without freeze after the end
  • Forfeit Match - same as forfeit flag, but manual method.



FIIX 1.9.2 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

General (some features not worked in UT, example skills 99):
  • Skill/Hide - exposes characteristics in the match from 0 {0 - disables the desired characteristic} to 99 (if Hide, you see original players rating) (not working in FUT)
  • Height - ability to change the height of all players in the range 130 - 255 (in cm) (not working in FUT)
  • Traits - applies all the existing talents on the players
  • Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5 (not working in FUT)
  • Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4 (not working in FUT)
  • Specialities - adds abilities originating from characteristics, basicly useless, it's just an indicator of your player attributes Example : a player who has Poacher as speciality means he has 85+ finishing alongside 85+ heading
  • Work Rate - applies High offensive and High defensive work-rate to all players
  • Body - change the model of the body of players
  • Pre Foot - preferred foot 1 to 2 (2 - left 1 - right)
  • Potential - percentage of progress players on the field. (possibly useless)
  • CD Height - changes only the height of the Central defenders (not working in FUT)
  • GK Height - changes only the height of the Goalkeeper (not working in FUT)
  • Celebration - choose any celebration for the whole team by default
  • Overall - rating increase overall skill 0 to 10 (possibly useless)
  • Shoes - exposes the model of shoes to all players
  • Weight - weight setting for all players (not working in FUT)
  • Stamina Home - Infinite stamina in players at home, and tired players at guest
  • Stamina Guest - Infinite stamina in players at guest, and tired players at home
  • Match Speed - increases coefficient speed time in the match
Pro Clubs: (work only if you are a captain in your team (or drop-in match) for 99 skills)
  • Skill Points - infinity skills points in the player menu
  • Hidden Traits - includes traits which are hidden in the player settings.
FUT pos (positions) ch (chemistry) wa (work rate attacking) wd (work rate defending) pf (preferred foot) sm (skill moves) wf (weak foot):
  • GK-SUB7 - you can change the positions, chemistry, work rate attacking, work rate defending, preferred foot, skill moves, weak foot for each player, which you need (4-4-2 formation by default) How use look here - Click (GK not working for positions)
Opponent Fut:
  • Opponent Origin - opportunity to see the opponent's nickname, works in weekend league too
  • Opponent Club - shows the name of the opponent's club (don't work in rivals)
  • Opponent WL Info - shows the number of matches played / won against at opponents
  • Opponent Abbr - displays the short name of your opponent's club (don't work in rivals)
  • Opponent Name - displays the name of your opponent's squad, and all players in squad, work only in rivals
  • Opponent Rating - the overall rating of your opponent's squad is shown
  • Opponent Chem - displays the chemistry of your opponent's squad
  • Opponent Format - displays the opponent squad formation (work only in rivals)
Squad Batl:
  • Swap Side - сhange the side in the match game settings. how use look here - Click
  • CPU vs CPU - teams are controlled by AI for squad battles (activated in control settings in pause match)
Time Strong Finishing (in progress) (Determination of the strong and moment of finishing on the specified parameters):
  • Gamepad Cursor - allows you to fix the cursor when performing free kicks or penalties, control is performed using hot keys



FIIX 1.9.4 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Side - before the match, displays which side you are on (not work in rivals) didn't test it in WL
  • Zoom Camera - changing the camera zoom in settings
  • Height Camera - camera height control in settings
  • Kick-out Opp - kick out your opponent out of the match, you can play with his team against the AI. use in conjunction with Kick-out Flag. Use after loading match with opponent (probably non work anymore)
  • Gamepad Classic - includes time finishing and strong shot for gamepad in classic mode
  • Gamepad Alternative - includes time finishing and strong shot for gamepad in alternative mode
  • Gamepad Classic TF - includes only time finishing for gamepad in classic mode
  • Gamepad Alternative TF - includes only time finishing for gamepad in alternative mode, how use - FAQ - Time Finishing Coordinate
  • DC Flag
  • Opponent Format



FIIX 1.9.6 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Center TP Ball - the match ball located always in the center of the field
  • GK-STL - added the ability to change characteristics for assigned positions (default formation 4-3-1-2)
  • Difficulty - changes the level of difficulty in squad battles
  • Home Score - enables the score change mode for home in the match (don't work in ultimate team maybe)
    Guest Score - enables the score change mode for guest in the match (don't work in ultimate team maybe)
  • CPU vs Online Opp - AI plays for your team against your opponent in online matches
  • Forfeit No Lose - you can leave match from pause menu at any time without counting loss
  • Bypass No Lose - is for Forfeit No Lose, how use watch here - click
  • Bypass Again - is for Forfeit No Lose, how use watch here - click
Skills Bots
Don't remember, but i fixed something :D or not?​



FIIX 1.9.7 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

Test Update:
  • Always Win - gives a win at any result of the match. work only after kick-off
  • Disconnect ID v2 - same as Disconnect ID but other method
  • AFK Disconnect - another method of disconnecting the connection, should be used with Disconnect ID or Disconnect ID v2 (probably bugs)
  • Bypass Under Review - when the connection is broken, a check comes out, this function partially bypass this problem (test function)
  • Bypass Report - test function, just test, and give feedback
  • Bypass Report Time - test function, just test, and give feedback



FIIX 1.9.9 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Skip Replay - skips replays after use Instant Win, Gold Goal (sometimes non work)
  • Skip Pack Anim - completely skips the animation opening of the pack
  • Match Making WN - sets the number of your winning matches, probably should be shows in champions channel.
  • WL Ratio - match-to-win ratio, also works as Match Making WL but in other way
  • WL Wins - sets the number of your winning matches, also works as Match Making WN but in other way
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