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FIIX 2.0.1 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • For Instant Win - some safe things (probably) for Instant Win feature
  • Hidden Time Finishing - activates hide for time finishing with assigned parameters 0 to 7 | you can test all parameters



FIIX 2.0.5 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Block EA FUT msg - blocks messages about new events in the fut mode
  • Block EA Help msg - blocks messages about help in the fut mode, when we create a club
  • Not Count Match - your match is not counted after completed
  • Snipe - automatic purchase of the player on the transfer market - HOW USE



FIIX 2.0.6 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Snipe Market/Squad - automatic purchase of the player on the transfer market - HOW USE
    • Delay Search - you can set the delay (milliseconds) before the search for faster or more correct operation
    • Delay Buy - you can set the delay (milliseconds) before the buy for faster or more correct operation
  • Time Of Day - changing the time of day before the start of matches (you should be play in a home side)
    • 0 = day
    • 1 = night
  • Friendlies Type - you can change the match mode, in any category of friendly games (probably doesn't always work correctly)
    • 1 = Mystic Ball
    • 2 = King of the hill
    • 3 = No rules
    • 4 = Headers and volleys
    • 5 = Survival
    • 6 = Long range



FIIX 2.0.8 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

Two files are included in the update:
Startup.ini - a file with settings, in which you can now write macros for your keyboard in the game​
Oppinfo.log - log of the opponent you met before the start of the match. the log stores the time, nickname, and results of the weekend league​

  • Match Making FR - search for an opponent in the specified division Friendlies Objectives mode
  • EST Date - changes the club's creation date. first value - month from 1 to 12, second value - year from 10 to current one
  • Origin Auto - automatically turns on Editable Origin Name after the appearance of the opponent's squad on loading screen before begin match
  • Opponent WL Info - shows the number of matches played / won / losses / remaining against at opponents
  • Previous Week - shows results (wins / rank / skill rating) of the previous top 200 wl of your opponent. if opponent don't have top 200 rank, the field will be empty
  • UserMacros1 - here you can set the execution of certain actions in game on the hotkey in startup.ini file (keyboard only) All commands:
    • CharPress(D) = press and immediately unpress D
    • CharDown(D) = only press D
    • CharUp(D) = only unpress D
    • KeyPress(SHIFT) = press and immediately unpress SHIFT
    • KeyDown(SHIFT) = only press SHIFT
    • KeyUp(SHIFT) = only unpress SHIFT
    • Delay(100) = delay in 100 milliseconds
    • Example = CharPress(2) Delay(7) CharPress(4) Delay(40) KeyPress(SHIFT) Delay(40) CharDown(D) Delay(140) CharUp(D)



FIFA 22 | FIIX 2.0.9 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

The rest of the functionality is planned to be updated in the near future
The functions that cannot be clicked at the moment are not adapted to the new FIFA 22

  • Instant Win - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team (not working in rivals and draft)
  • Instant Match - instant completion of the match, depending on the position of the ball
  • Instant Win v2 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe (not working in rivals and draft)
  • Instant Win v3 - same as Instant Win but reformatted method for test on safe (not working in rivals and draft)
  • Bypass ALT-TAB - there will be no disconnection online match when you minimize or alt-tab game (automatically turns on when the game starts)
  • SpeedHack - the speed of the target process of the game changes at your discretion
  • Snipe Market/Squad - automatic purchase of the player on the transfer market - HOW USE
    • Delay Search - you can set the delay (milliseconds) before the search for faster or more correct operation
    • Delay Buy - you can set the delay (milliseconds) before the buy for faster or more correct operation
  • Forfeit Flag - exposes a technical forfeit opponent, can be work with disconnect id and dc flag (not working in rivals and draft)
  • Disconnect ID - the method of disconnection. You can choose any method from 0 to 21 (if you got ban, use other ID)
  • Instant DC - immediately disconnects a connection anywhere in match
  • UserMacros1 - here you can set the execution of certain actions in game on the hotkey in startup.ini file (keyboard only) All commands:
    • CharPress(D) = press and immediately unpress D
    • CharDown(D) = only press D
    • CharUp(D) = only unpress D
    • KeyPress(SHIFT) = press and immediately unpress SHIFT
    • KeyDown(SHIFT) = only press SHIFT
    • KeyUp(SHIFT) = only unpress SHIFT
    • Delay(100) = delay in 100 milliseconds
    • Example = CharPress(2) Delay(7) CharPress(4) Delay(40) KeyPress(SHIFT) Delay(40) CharDown(D) Delay(140) CharUp(D)



FIIX 2.1 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Legacy defending - removes the ability to play only tactical defense in online | How Use
  • Time Finishing - almost always green, just with double tap
  • Time Finishing Free Kick - always great works with free kick and penalty, double tap also
  • Unlim Subs - resets the default replacement limit of 3
  • Side - before the match, displays which side you are on (not work in rivals)
  • Match Making DR - search for an opponent in the specified division Division Rivals
  • Match Making DF - search for an opponent in necessary stage selection in mode Draft
  • Disconnect ID v2 - same as Disconnect ID but other method
  • Skill - exposes characteristics in the match from 0 {0 - disables the desired characteristic} to 99 (not working in FUT)
  • GK-STL - added the ability to change characteristics for assigned positions (default formation 4-3-1-2)
  • Height - ability to change the height of all players in the range 130 - 255 (in cm) (not working in FUT)
  • Traits - applies all the existing talents on the players
  • Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5 (not working in FUT)
  • Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4 (not working in FUT)
  • Specialities - adds abilities originating from characteristics, basicly useless, it's just an indicator of your player attributes Example : a player who has Poacher as speciality means he has 85+ finishing alongside 85+ heading
  • Work Rate - applies High offensive and High defensive work-rate to all players
  • Body - change the model of the body of players
  • Pre Foot - preferred foot 1 to 2 (2 - left 1 - right)
  • Potential - percentage of progress players on the field. (possibly useless)
  • CD Height - changes only the height of the Central defenders (not working in FUT)
  • GK Height - changes only the height of the Goalkeeper (not working in FUT)
  • Celebration - choose any celebration for the whole team by default
  • Overall - rating increase overall skill 0 to 10 (possibly useless)
  • Run Style - unique style of running, ID's starts from 1 to 13 - ID's ON FORUM
  • Weight - weight setting for all players (not working in FUT)
  • SM Likelihood - probability of implementation skill moves on field (possibly useless)
  • Skill Points - the cost of skill points is reduced to 0
  • Hidden Traits - includes traits which are hidden in the player settings.
  • GK-SUB7 - you can change the positions, chemistry, work rate attacking, work rate defending, preferred foot, skill moves, weak foot for each player, which you need (4-4-2 formation by default) How use look here - Click (GK not working for positions)



FIIX 2.1.2 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Legacy defending v2 - same as original, but should be work in draft or wl
  • Difficulty - changes the level of difficulty in squad battles
  • Bypass Under Review - when the connection is broken, a check comes out, this function partially bypass this problem
  • Block EA FUT msg - blocks messages about new events in the fut mode
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FIIX 2.1.3 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • DNF Modifier - changes your dnf (did not finish) modifier, which reduces the coins you receive from future matches (possible useless)
  • Characteristics - set 99 value for your team in squad battles
  • Constant Pressure - your teammate endlessly presses the opponent when you pressing the shot button (sometimes not work) | How Use
  • Contextual Agile Dribbling - dribbling in one-on-one situations in online modes
  • Auto Clearances - players will perform Clearances contextually in the appropriate situations in online
  • Auto Flaier Pass - players will perform Flair Passes contextually in the appropriate situations in online
  • Auto Shots - players will perform automatic shots contextually in the appropriate situations in online
  • Assisted Headers - enable Header Assistance for passes and shots for a more casual gameplay experience in online
  • Jockey - jockey speed will be assisted to help you stay close to your opponent in online



FIIX 2.1.4 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • Gamepad Classic - includes time finishing and strong shot for gamepad in classic mode How Use
  • Gamepad Classic TF - includes only time finishing for gamepad in classic mode
  • GamepadMacros - here you can set the execution of certain actions in game on the one hotkey in startup.ini file How Use
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FIIX 2.1.6 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok

  • XP Score - sets the maximum XP level during the match to the specified position for your player (0-10 home side / 11-21 away side)
  • Matchmaking FR - phantom search in a friendlies matches, suitable for those who want to play a match against friends or a second PC
  • Elite Rating - search for an opponent in elite division in rivals, working only if you set 0 in Matching DR



FIIX 2.1.8 Now updates in trainer
Password - pxilok

Performance optimization was performed... three years later :ROFLMAO:
Now the software should work faster than before
Now updates are available in the program itself, if a new update appears, you will see the corresponding clickable text on the main form

  • Record Macros Gamepad - Now you can record some simple actions in the game, through the gamepad, but still the text needs correction after recording. example of work by link -
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