FIIX 2.0.8 Check update on your mail
Password - pxilok
Two files are included in the update:
Startup.ini - a file with settings, in which you can now write macros for your keyboard in the game
Oppinfo.log - log of the opponent you met before the start of the match. the log stores the time, nickname, and results of the weekend league
- Match Making FR - search for an opponent in the specified division Friendlies Objectives mode
- EST Date - changes the club's creation date. first value - month from 1 to 12, second value - year from 10 to current one
- Origin Auto - automatically turns on Editable Origin Name after the appearance of the opponent's squad on loading screen before begin match
- Opponent WL Info - shows the number of matches played / won / losses / remaining against at opponents
- Previous Week - shows results (wins / rank / skill rating) of the previous top 200 wl of your opponent. if opponent don't have top 200 rank, the field will be empty
- UserMacros1 - here you can set the execution of certain actions in game on the hotkey in startup.ini file (keyboard only) All commands:
- CharPress(D) = press and immediately unpress D
- CharDown(D) = only press D
- CharUp(D) = only unpress D
- KeyPress(SHIFT) = press and immediately unpress SHIFT
- KeyDown(SHIFT) = only press SHIFT
- KeyUp(SHIFT) = only unpress SHIFT
- Delay(100) = delay in 100 milliseconds
- Example = CharPress(2) Delay(7) CharPress(4) Delay(40) KeyPress(SHIFT) Delay(40) CharDown(D) Delay(140) CharUp(D)