Price: 15€ (euro) / 30 days
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How Fix freezes or crashes
Try turn off Share usage data and choose dx11 in settings fifa 19
Also don't forget about limit
15 matches in hour
75 matches in day (possible need wait more than 4-12 hours after last match)
How to create a coinbase account to purchase trainers with PayPal
Before reporting a problem
How to use legacy defending
How use Time Finishing
Описание на русском
I don't accept paypal, but you can buy for me Steam Wallet Card 20$
Also, you'll have to wait, until I sell your code
(this text is translated using machine translation)
Read the completely and very carefully
By purchasing this program, you automatically confirm your consent to the following rules. If you are not satisfied, please, refrain from buying.
If you have any questions or problems, the author(developer) always ready to discuss.
Installation, start-up, program usage means, that the user of the program agrees with the terms of this license agreement.
The person is solely responsible for using the software.
The author of the program is not responsible for changes in the game, which may lead the software to inoperable, but, whenever possible, will restore functionality of the program.
After receiving the activation refunds is impossible as well as in other cases.
Program uses a method, that requires to disable anti-virus (or add in exceptions), the software may work incorrectly if ignore this.Also recommends to turn off Windows defender and other monitoring tools.
Program is licensed to be used on one machine, for one sole user.
In the event of a breakdown of your PC, HDD not working, the house burned down, a meteorite fell, or something else happened that affected the change Hardware ID. Re-binding of software is not feasible within the framework of use !!! Be extremely careful in using your system and do not re-install it. If you still decide to reinstall the Windows. I advise you to install on the same Hard Disk (or SSD) on which it was installed earlier, to avoid losing your license of the software.
Please do not manipulate the time in your system. do not change the date and time. don't try to change Hardware ID. Activate the program in real time.
Distribution, copying, hacking, as well as transfer to third parties is punishable by refusal in exploitation.
After download trainer you should:Open trainer
Copy Hardware ID
Write me in pm -
The message should contain something like this:
Hello my nickname is BlaBlaBla
My Hardware ID - 1234-1234-1234-1234
FI9X 1.9
Opponent FUT Info:
- Opponent Origin - opportunity to see the opponent's nickname, works in weekend league too
- Opponent Club - shows the name of the opponent's club
- Opponent Rating - shows the rating of the opponent's squad
- Opponent Chemistry - shows the chemistry of the opponent's squad
- Opponent WL Info - shows the number of matches played / won against at opponents
- Opponent Squad - shows all the names / ratings of players in the opponent squad (default formation 4-4-2)
- Skill/Hide - exposes characteristics in the match from 1 to 99 (if Hide, you see original players rating) (not working in FUT)
- Height - ability to change the growth of all players in the range 130 - 205 (not working in FUT)
- Traits - applies all the existing talents on the players
- Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5 (not working in FUT)
- Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4 (not working in FUT)
- Specialities - adds abilities originating from characteristics
- Work Rate - applies the attack and defense level of the game
- Body - change the model of the body of players
- Pre Foot - preferred foot 1 to 2 (1 - left 2 - right)
- Potential - percentage of progress players on the field. (possibly useless)
- CD Height - changes only the height of the Central defenders (not working in FUT)
- GK Height - changes only the height of the Goalkeeper (not working in FUT)
- Celebration - choose any celebration for the whole team by default
- Overall - rating increase overall skill 0 to 10 (possibly useless)
- Shoes - exposes the model of shoes to all players
- Unlim Subs - resets the default replacement limit of 3
- Legacy defending - removes the ability to play only tactical defense (F8 for activate/deactivate)
- Weight - weight setting for all players (not working in FUT)
- Instant win - occurs is an instant victory in the mode Ultimate Team
- Gold Goal - match ends after the ball will be is in goal
- Instant Match - instant completion of the match, depending on the position of the ball
- Home TP/Away TP Goal - with any touch of the ball, a goal occurs instantly (but so same is happening disconnect of match)
- Bypass AFK - when you are not control your team, a message about inactivity on your part will appear after a while. this cheat allows you to bypass this warning
- Bypass ALT-TAB - there will be no disconnection online match when you minimize or alt-tab game
- Fitness - after the match your stamina will not be spent and also gives a small increase in total endurance. there is no need to buy more fitness cards
- Chem Style - the chemistry style for all players
- Rivals M - shows, how many matches you played in this mode (in week)
- Home Kit - The first number is the parametr of the form (usually I point out what is needed) second number changing home form
- Away Kit - Changing away form
- Rating - Sets overall team rating (helps for searching more weak opponents, perhaps)
- Club ID - Ability to change the club of players (the best chemistry gives an increase skills)
- Country ID - Ability to change the country of players (the best chemistry gives an increase skills)
- Editable Club Name - Possibility to change the name of your club
- Match Making DR - Search for an opponent in the specified division Division Rivals
- Match Making DF - Search for an opponent in necessary stage selection in mode Draft
- Match Making WL - Allows you to search for opponents on your assigned parameters in Weekend League
- Only One - if you captain, you have 99 skills only on your player
- Bots/Hide - the change in the characteristics of players, AI-controlled in your team
- Skill Points - infinity skills points in the player menu
- Hair Style - choose any of the hairstyles
- Hidden Traits - includes traits which are hidden in the player settings. visible only in match squad info
- Clock on Hands - changes the player's appearance. appear watch like have the referee
- Modifier - rating increase overall skill 0 to 10 (possibly useless)
- Body Type - change the model of the body ID of players
- Potential - percentage of progress player on the field. (possibly useless)
- Height - ability to change the growth of player in the range 130 - 205 (if you need more, need will be a captain)
- Work rate - applies the attack and defense level of the game
- Stadium - set any stadium of your choice
- Shoes - set any ID for boots
- Pants - sets the shorts style
- Gamepad Classic - includes time finishing and strong shot for gamepad in classic mode
- Gamepad Alternative - includes time finishing and strong shot for gamepad in alternative mode
- Keyboard - includes time finishing and strong shot for keyboard
- Gamepad Classic TF - includes only time finishing for gamepad in classic mode
- Gamepad Alternative TF - includes only time finishing for gamepad in alternative mode
- Keyboard TF - includes only time finishing for keyboard
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