FIFA 20 | Free Trainer Edition | pXilok Trainers
FIFA 20 | Free Trainer Edition

FIFA 20 | Free Trainer Edition 2022-04-10

Password - pxilok


  • RESET COUNTDOWN + UNLIMITED ATTEMPTS - Stops the countdown, and also includes endless attempts (doesn't work if you have 0 attempts)
  • ADD POINTS AFTER SCORE - Adds points after each successful action
  • HEIGHT PLAYERS - Sets the height of the players
  • STADIUM - Possibility to change the stadium before the match
  • HOME/GUEST SCORE - Enables the score change mode in the match. H - Home value. G - Guest value
  • MATCH TIME - Sets time in the match
  • MATCH TIME SPEED - Increases speed time in the match
  • GOLD PENALTY - In the penalty shoot-out, who scores first, is will be the winner
  • UNLIMITED STAMINA HOME/TIRED GUEST - Infinite strip stamina in players at home, and tired players at guest
  • UNLIMITED STAMINA GUEST/TIRED HOME - Infinite strip stamina in players at guest, and tired players at home
  • HOME STABLE/GUEST INJURED - Stable players home/guest injured
  • GUEST STABLE/HOME INJURED - Stable players guest/home injured
  • HOME SIDE - Select participants who playing in home (ALT+H) not recommended to use too often, possible crash
  • AWAY - Select participants who playing in guest (ALT+G) not recommended to use too often, possible crash
  • CPU vs CPU - The AI plays with itself (ALT+C) not recommended to use too often, possible crash
  • TRANSFER BUDGET - Sets the budget funds in career coach
  • 100% PLAYER ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Maximum pumping player in career player
  • STADIUM - Possibility to change the stadium before the match in career mode
  • SIMULATE TRAINING A - The highest score in the simulation exercise
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. 1.1

    Fixed: Simulate training - A Added: ZOOM CAMERA - Changing the camera zoom in settings HEIGHT...

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u god
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