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Announcement FIFA 21 | Free Trainer Edition 2022-04-10

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Thank you pXilok for free trainer, God bless you!!!!

It's Gold for Squad Battle because it's too much 20 minutes per game, now with speed match only 10 minutes, so in 40 minutes I play 4 matches, în 1 hour 6 matches, thank you, thank you, I'm so enthusiastic!!!!!



I play in Squad Battle with depend if I get home or away, opponent injured and no stamina, match speed maximum 11, Warning 12 it's detected by EA. Don't use skill 99 even in Squad Battle because it's detected.

Sometimes for your safe it's better to concede goals, no every match 5-0, 7-0 etc, anyway it's very hard to no concede goals if you not use swap change.

A arri1996 it was in Fifa 20 trainer
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Hmmmmmmm it's weard in Fifa 20 was safe 11x speed in SB, now it's safe only for 3 matches, when you finish 4th match it give error and get out from Ultimate Team and loose match with 3-0. Now safe it's only 10 speed.
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