Trainer - FC 25 | Lifetime Trainer, Cheat, Hack, Mod Menu | pXilok Trainers
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It is extremely not recommended to abuse cheats in the Ultimate Team Mode !!!
Before proceeding with the purchase, make sure that all third-party anti-cheats and antiviruses are fully deleted on your computer. Otherwise, you will not be able to configure / run the software correctly!
Please, do not ask me ( pXilok pXilok) questions about how to use safely trainer. And do not complain about the ban in fifa. I have repeatedly warn you, that all your actions are at YOUR own risk!

Supports OS, Apps:
Windows 10, Windows 11
Steam, EA App, EPIC Games

Links to automatically send the key after payment:

Not-automatically send the key after payment:

PayPal link to automatically send the key after payment through partner:

It's a fully automated solution that ensures you receive your key instantaneously upon completing your payment. This service is brought to you exclusively by our official partner, Should you require any assistance with PayPal or have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to him through private messaging or mention him in the server. Link to the PayPal Store: PAYPAL AUTOMATIC DELIVERY




  • Specialities - name of button to enable function, then to uses Set button to enter values
    • Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5 (not working in FUT and Seasons mode)
    • Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4 (not working in FUT and Seasons mode)
    • Body Type - change the model of the body of players
    • Preffered Foot - preferred foot 1 to 2 (2 - left 1 - right)
    • Height - ability to change the height of all players in the range 130 - 255 (in cm) (not working in FUT and Seasons mode)
    • Run Style - unique style of running, ID's starts from 1 to 13 - ID's ON FORUM (not working in FUT and Seasons mode)
    • SM Likelihood - probability of implementation skill moves on field (possibly useless)
  • PlayStyles - applies All PlayStyles or PlayStyles+ (not working in FUT)
  • Skills 99 - exposes characteristics in the match to 99 (not working in FUT)
  • Speedhack Match - speeds up the whole process in online match (before activate you need enable Bypass Speedhack first)
  • Disable Opponent Pass - disables the ability to give passes and other actions to your opponent (the function is intended exclusively for Speedhack Match)
Pro Clubs:
  • Pro Clubs AI Skills 99 - includes all 99 stats for the players on your team that are controlled by the computer
  • AI Settings - name of button to enable function, then to uses Set button to enter values
    • Weak Foot - the choice of weak foot 1 to 5
    • Skill Moves - the choice of skill moves 0 to 4
    • Height - ability to change the height of all players in the range 130 - 255 (in cm)
    • SM Likelihood - probability of implementation skill moves on field (possibly useless)
  • AI PlayStyles - applies All PlayStyles or PlayStyles+ for AI players
  • Pro Clubs Unlock PlayStyles - unlocks all the traits cells in the player's menu
  • AI vs opponent - AI plays for your team against your opponent in online Pro clubs matches
  • XP Boost - sets the maximum XP level during the match
  • Pro Clubs Multiplier - gives an addition to increase the characteristics during use skill points in player attributes (you should be a captain / host always)
  • Instant Win - occurs is an instant victory in the online mode Ultimate Team (you should score legit goal in opponent gate)
  • Finish Match - instant completion of the match, depending on the position of the ball
  • Swap Side - сhange the side in the match game settings.
  • AI vs AI - teams are controlled by AI for squad battles (activated in control settings in pause match)
  • TP Left Goal / TP Right Goal - with any touch of the ball, a goal occurs instantly
  • Freeze Ball - the ball will always be in the center of the field
  • Scan Side - determines which side your team is on, in order to work correctly for TP win
  • Scan Side Gamepad - determines which gamepad side your team is on, in order to work correctly for TP win
  • TP win - automatically gives victory in any UT mode, don't forget use Bypass Desync or Disconnect Reason
  • Bypass ALT-TAB - there will be no menu open in offline match when you minimize or alt-tab game
  • Green Penalty - a free penalty kick will always be infallible
  • Green Time Finishing - when the shoot button is pressed twice, the moment of time finishing will always be green (great timing)
  • Half Length - slightly increases the speed of the match time
  • End Halftime - completes the time to 45 minute of half-time
  • Unlimited Subs - resets the default replacement limit of 5
  • Gold Goal - match ends after the ball will be is in goal
  • Bypass AFK - when you are not control your team, a message about inactivity on your part will appear after a while. this cheat allows you to bypass this warning
  • Freekick Time Finishing - always great works with free kick, double tap also
  • Own Goal Win - when you score own goal, you get a win in match
  • Height Camera - camera height control in settings
  • Zoom Camera - changing the camera zoom in settings
  • Score - enables the score change mode for home / away in the match (don't work in ultimate team)
Ultimate Team:
  • Opponent Info - when pressed, three items are pushed out
    • EA ID - opportunity to see the opponent nickname in ea system
    • Platform ID - shows which platform uses your opponent (cem_ea_id - is pc)
    • Country/Language - displays the abbreviation of the country and the language of the account in reverse order (example: RTneRT - RT/TR is Turkey, ne/en - English)
  • Matchmaking Rivals - search for an opponent in the specified division in Division Rivals mode
  • Skip Pack Opening - completely skips the animation opening of the pack
  • Instant Moments - fully performs all tasks in the match
  • Hide EA ID - hides the name of your EA ID (but opponent still can added you)
  • Matchmaking Draft - search for an opponent in necessary stage selection in mode Draft
  • Squad Battles Difficulty - changes the level of difficulty in squad battles
  • Leave Match Without Loss - you can forfeit match from pause menu at any time without counting loss (it may not work in some modes)
  • Skip FUT News - blocks messages about new events in the fut mode
  • Bypass Finish Menu - helps to complete the match faster, without additional moves to the match menu, coins menu
  • Bypass Error UT - this option is needed for Leave Match Without Loss and No Contest functions to bypass kicking from UT mode.
  • No Contest - with this function, your match will not be counted in any outcome (it doesn't matter if you won or lost)
  • Bypass Finish Menu - helps to complete the match faster, without additional moves to the match menu, coins menu
  • Friendlies GameType - changes type in friendlies mode (sometimes may not works)
  • Friendlies Elite Spoofer - if you are already playing in the elite division, you can use this feature to search for opponents in lower division like 1-10 div
  • Instant DC - immediately disconnects a connection anywhere in match
  • Bypass Desync - when the connection is broken, a check comes out, this function partially bypass this problem
  • Disconnect Reason - the reason of disconnection. You can choose any reason for test
  • Bypass Speedhack - this function should be used together with Speedhack Match
  • Bypass Disconnect UT - prevents kick out from the UT mode, but as soon as you re-enter UT again without playing new next match, you get loss
  • Bypass Disconnect Match - work only with function Speedhack Match but after the first use, you can use it separately
  • Bypass Disconnect Match v2 - same as first, but with another method
  • Set Skills - exposes characteristics in the match from 0 to 99 (if Hide, you see original players rating in squad menu, but anyway your opponent will see your 99 rating in performance player menu) (not working in FUT)
  • Set AI Skills - exposes pro clubs AI bots characteristics in the match from 0 to 99 (if Hide, you see original players rating in squad menu, but anyway your opponent will see your 99 rating in performance player menu) (not working in FUT)
All your actions in the game, are made at your own risk. Creator assumes no responsibility for your actions and intentions in the specified game. Be careful, and use wisely.
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