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FC 24 | Safe & Undetected Cheats in Ultimate Team



The high/high is on the FUT Players sub menu.

You need to set it for each individual player along with other options.

From left to right the menu titles mean: Position, Chem Style, Work rate attacking, work rate defensive, preferred foot, Skill Moves, weak foot.

For work rate defensive/attacking 0 is low, 1 is med, 2 is high.

Skill moves 3 is 4 star, 4 is 5 star etc.

Weak foot is obvious 1 to 5.

If you use 442 make sure to change the position of lm to 16 and position of rm to 12 to make sure they are not playing as cm in game.

You can also put anyone on any chem style you want you need to test to find out which number is which chem style.

If you want to check everything search for a match and then back out before it starts you will see the changes.

I have been told that opponent can't see if you have rm as st in game or the pos modifier but I am not sure. I have mane as striker but I don't know if opponent see ST next to his name this is what it shows for me.

Hope this helps



Thanks for your help!
And yes I would like to use the option for club id to have all my players at 10 of collective but I don't know if the opponent sees it...

To complete your message here are my results :


0. GK​
8. LWB​
7. LB​
5. CB​
3. RB​
2. RWB​
10. CDM​
14. CM​
17. CAM​
16. LM​
12. RM​
21. CF​
22. LF​
27. LW​
23. RW​
20. RF​
25. ST​

0. Basic​
1. Sniper​
2. Finisher​
3. Deadeye​
4. Marksman​
5. Hawk​
6. Artist​
7. Architect​
8. Powerhouse​
9. Maestro​
10. Engine​
11. Sentinel​
12. Guardian​
13. Gladiator​
14. Backbone​
15. Anchor​
16. Hunter​
17. Catalyst​
18. Shadow​
19. Wall​
20. Shield​
21. Cat​
22. Glove​



Hey guys,

what are u using for FUT Draft and Squad Battles - Squad Battle safe? Dont want to use it for WL/Rivals (dont want a ban ;D) Just wanna do it for some packs in SB and Draft



Hey guys, can somebody tell me how the WL Matchmaking works? Is it safe also until gold1 or smth like that? Thank you, have a great day!



So, i have a next question.
Is instant win v2 and instant DC still save in Rivals? Or can u suggest me anything to win some matches in Rivals?



Dear all,

I hope everyone here is well and keeping safe! Sadly, it seems there is a lack of updated information regarding what features that are potentially safe to use and seems to involve a lot of trial and error. This of course will come at a cost which I am sure many of us have endured. Now there are most likely people reading this right now who know of methods or features that bypass a ban and have been getting away guilty free. Which I envy you! I can see the confusion rumbling through the community here, and I too stand on that side of the fence. As of current I cannot find a safe method for the Fut draft; each time I have experienced a ban. So sadly, I am not going to touch it unless someone reveals a working method or would ever so kindly PM me. Nevertheless, I have been exploiting Squad battles as I think this will be a much safer route. Yet, I am still faced with frustration. Does anyone else here play Squad Battles and achieve top200 or higher? If so, can you please explain on how to win a home game. As when I switched the keyboard for the other side it ends up playing on my team, not the AI. Thus, I am unable to control the opposing team to score 5 goals or more. What am I doing wrong, can someone kindly explain?

With this, I think as a community, and together numbers are strong. We need to come together and share methods. I understand the drawbacks of this entirely, but fuck EA they're the worst. I hope this message touches your hearts and we can thrive together, and earn that ridiculously overpriced fut coin.

I shall look forward to responses!

Love the Dong