Password - pxilok
- Invincible - your character becomes immortal, almost from all attacks
- Infinity Stamina - stamina of your character and your horse is not consumed
- Trader Good - you can change the amount of trader good in your camp (unstable function or can be not work)
- Everyone Ignore - NPC enemies should stop shooting in your character
- 1 = ON
- 0 = OFF
- Never Wanted- wanted level doesn't apply on your player
- 1 = ON
- 0 = OFF
- Infinity Dead Eye - dead eye will not be spending up in during using
- No Ragdoll - animation of falling from a height, and same other animations will be disabled
- Defense Modifier- here you can change the damage level for your character
- 0 = no damage
- 100 = full damage
- Defense Modifier Horse- here you can change the damage level for your horse
- 0 = no damage
- 100 = full damage
- Infinity Items - your items in the satchel are not consumed during use
- Infinity Eagle Eye - eagle eye will not be spending up in during using
- Infinity Ammo - amount ammo are not consume
- Fast Shot - the shots should be fast without reload (tested on repeater and revolver)
- No Recoil - without recoil when fired from a weapon (the explosions will still recoil the camera)
- No Reload - ammo are not spent and there is no need to reload the weapon
- No Spread - when aiming, no spread on some weapons
- Type of Bullets - the type of bullets fired from a weapon (the values are different for each weapon. example: 4 = explosive bullets for revolver)
- Add Ammo - If your weapon does not have regular ammo, this function adds a little ammo. but is very unstable function, can be crashed your game. using this only when you have 0 ammo in your weapon, and then deactivate function after that.
- Type of Arrows - changes the type of arrows in your bow. in for the function to work correctly, you need to switch bow to regular arrows and then using necessary value for change arrows type (game can be crashed, if you do it incorrectly)
- 0 = Small Game Arrow
- 1 = Poison Arrow
- 2 = Fire Arrow
- 3 = Dynamite Arrow
- One Hit Kill - kills any NPC character with the first shot
- One Hit Kill Online - should kills any online character with the first shot (can be not work)
- Always Clean Weapon - condition of your weapon always clean
- Fill Awards - replenishes your rewards for resetting and getting gold bars (sometimes isn't work correctly, need rejoin session)